Health and Social Care
A bit about Bill Mumford:
After 40 years of working as a salaried employee in some wonderful organisations with great colleagues I am now working in world of freelancing. All organisations are about people. I set up Cairnstones for people who are interested in people rather than just systems and structures.
After a few very happy years as a frontline care worker I enrolled on a Psychiatric Social Work course. They were a formative couple of years on placement in the enormous psychiatric institutions on the outskirts of Manchester. These institutions were an unaccountable and lost world that stripped people of their basic rights, numbed all hope and subdued any non-compliance with chronic over medication and abusive behaviour modification techniques.
Yet despite the gross inhumanity and injustice there were many people working there who were trying to make a positive difference; lighting candles to brighten a dark world. Unassuming, inspiring people and I was profoundly influenced by observing their practice. I resolved that whatever direction my career would take I should follow their example.
I believe it is vitally important that the values of an organisation are matched by the behaviour of its people. Colleagues who have been entrusted with leadership roles need to provide the oxygen to feed the lighted candles and, at the same time, provide a windshield against those who would try to blow them out.
I have been blessed with a long and rewarding career and as a freelancer I use the experience gained to celebrate and support colleagues who strive to make a positive difference in the health and social care sectors.
How Cairnstones might be able to assist you and your people:
Innovating– need someone external to help unlock internal creativity?
Strategic Planning– need assistance with looking beyond the current challenges?
Business Planning– need an experienced critical friend to review your plans?
Training– building personal and team resilience and wellbeing
Mentoring– facilitating confidence in your own ideas
One Off’s– need a trusted and experienced individual for something a bit more bespoke?
Current Roles:
Non-Executive Director of Cumbria Health On Call (CHoC), Fellow and Associate of Skills for Care and Associate Evaluator for Insequa, Mountain Leader
Previous Roles:
CEO Eden Valley and Jigsaw Hospices, CEO MacIntyre, Chair Voluntary Organisations Disability Group, Chair National Market Development Forum, Non-Executive Director NICE, Fellow Royal Geographical Society.
Interspersed with all this I have had further good fortune to indulge a personal passion for mountaineering by organising a number of expeditions involving people with disabilities to the Alps, Kilimanjaro, the Andes and the Himalaya. The culmination was an assent to the North Col of Everest with Paul Sillitoe, someone I have known from my first days at MacIntyre and who is the proud altitude world record holder for a person with a learning disability. As a result I was honoured to become a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. I am qualified as a Mountain Leader.
Contact: email: billmumford5@aol.com tel: 07467 513656 Twitter: @bill_mumford LinkedIn